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Mario Bogdanović
Abstract This paper elaborates the concept of organizational climate and its relationship with human resource management. First of all, theoretical inconsistencies of concept, content, research and application issues will be resolved. After that, the main research approaches and results in the area of organizational climate are presented. In the context of human resource management and organizational efficacy improvement, the potential benefits of organizational climate management have been determined. Further on, it is determined the basic connection of organizational climate with human resource management because organizational climate can be treated as special function or practice of human resource management, but also it can be treated as a consequence of all the management and human resource management practices, i.e. one of the measures of its efficacy. Therefore, the paper gives the insight in the complex area of organizational climate management in business organization in the context of human resource management improvement.
Keywords: human resource management, organizational efficacy, organizational climate, organizational culture
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Svetlana Anđelić, Zoran Čekerevac, Stanislav Glumac, Nikola Dragović
Abstract Modern business, in terms of global competition, requires management to continuously monitor and implement innovations in all areas of activity of the company. In order to successfully incorporate new technical and technological solutions into a company, it is essential that employees have the relevant knowledge in their professions. This in turn requires continuous improvement of the structure of employment and human resources management and sets a huge task - how test employees more effectively, after completion of additional education and training. Testing of a large number of employees without the use of information technology, would turn into a Sisyphean task. Computer-adaptive testing (CAT) allows performance of the objective testing to large groups of employees. This paper will be presented as CAT tests contribute to the effective and efficient category testing.
Keywords: Adaptive tests, CAT evaluation, CAT test, Human Resource Management
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Nevenka Nićin, Milija Bogavac
Abstract Operative audit follows the overall achievement of every goal, effectiveness of business actions and internal control, manager results and other non-financial aspects of business, by the use of logical audit techniques. It also follows purposeful organizations’ goals, their operations, control processes of communication and knowledge information systems. Reduction of potential risks and exposure to the losses in creation of unreliable and unwelcome events is in direct proportion with insufficient control, lack of information, and time in which those optimal decisions are made.
Keywords: internal control system, operative audit, reliability of enterprise, risk, information systems
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Amra Abadžić, Bahrija Umihanić, Mirela Ćebić
Abstract Global competition connected with customers' demand for quality increase of products and services is intensifying the need for flexibility and creativity of the organization. Poor management and lack of leadership are very often blamed for problems faced by the organizations all over the world. Many organizations are restructuring and introducing new business principles in order to stay competitive on the world market. Most changes have been introduced in the manner in which employees perform work. Employees are becoming more educated which leads to the result that younger members of the staff in organizations are expecting higher level of autonomy and participation in decision making. Employees are trained in various fields of business and they are expected to independently make decisions. They expect fast career advancement, challenging possibilities which will give them an opportunity to gain valuable experience through training and balance between private and professional life. With the increased use of teams in the organization, many of the traditional roles of leaders are changing. The teams are designed to complement employees' individual traits. Self-managed teams are deserved for continues assessment and improvement of the products as well as for the design of their work and all other work processes that affect them. Leaders are very often elected by the members of the team and each member is responsible for their own actions and decisions. These changes in management and operations in many organizations are shifting focus from leaders to employees. Purpose of this article is the analysis of leadership models and their role in the organizations.
Keywords: evaluation process, management, local development strategy, local government units
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Tomislav Brzaković
Abstract The word crisis is among the most frequently used words in the last few years. The financial crisis, caused primarily in the U.S. by mortgage credit market collapse, quickly spread on the entire world and affected the financial as well as real sectors. Economic science looked differently on the crisis through the history. The causes of crisis ranged from system characteristics and institutional characteristics of the economy, to inadequate economic policies and the greed of certain groups, particularly financial institutions and companies. Today, the world's financial transactions far exceed the value of world trade, a phenomenon known as financialization, resulting in the transfer of real income in the financial sector. Measures taken to overcome the crisis are of historic significance because the future sustainable development and configuration of the global financial and economic system will depend on their effectiveness.
Keywords: crisis management, financial crisis, budget deficit, risk
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Biljana Grgurović, Slavica Štrbac, Gorica Milovanović-Braković
Abstract Developed Post Offices have been investing into new technologies for years primarily aiming to increase productivity as well as to decrease the overall costs of postal processes. In this approach they saw a way to stand up to increasing competition in this area. As a consequence of technological achievements and new communication patterns, postal services have significantly changed in the last ten years. Therefore, putting an accent on achievement of a certain level of adaptability in technological solutions is expected in the future. From the automation of processing which used to be the key issue of the research, the emphasis is now placed on the changes in the volume of postal items and clients' demands, bland of services and changes in regulations. This paper shows that new technologies based on electronic communications do not have to be the threat to the traditional physical flow of information, but on the contrary can also be used for further development of postal operators. Also, the way of using multi-criterion analysis method while forming an attitude about a client’s choice of an operator and satisfactory service has been explained. In the opportunity to access these data and combine them with new technological solutions the author sees a way to survive in this very perspective market.
Keywords: postal traffic, electronic services, new technology
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Nada Živanović, Vlada Živanović, Daniela Todorova, Marija Živanović
Abstract Global operations of management involve a vision, mission and strategy of continuous participation of the product on the market. Practice in our country and abroad shows that a large number of products ends up unnoticed not only on our but also on foreign markets. How long a certain products will survive on the market depends on the development and application of effective techniques. The paper displays a planned approach for effective prolongation of life cycle of the products, and reengineering approach for the analysis of the situation and the need to introduce innovations.
Keywords: management, product management, effective techniques, market
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Radmila Ćurčić, Vladimir Prebiračević, Nataša Vasić
Abstract Social life is based on communication. It is highly sensitive area for management attention in order to avoid mobbing. Bullying at work place, psychological bullying in particular, is socially unacceptable. In recent years a great attention has been devoted to prevention of mobbing, with many countries introducing new legal regulations in connection to mobbing. Mobbing as a form of abuse at work begins with communication – unethical and pathological, which then leads to humiliation, degradation, insults and sometimes even physical violence. Malice as a hidden motive has a purpose to eliminate worker from the work place, and the consequences remain for life. The society is yet to deal with this phenomenon.
Keywords: mobbing, manipulation, person who is mobbing, communications, modern communications
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Miodrag Zlatković
Abstract Interactive nature of the Web combined with the e-mail is the ideal environment in which management with relations and database provides the basis for collection and storage of the information about relationships and the strengthening of relations through promotion of personalized relationships. Due to the high cost of relationship management at the individual level, many companies in the initial phase of CRM applications use the approach to design services for development of relationships with certain groups of customers instead of with individuals. It requires companies to develop long term relationships with each group of customers in order to meet their needs and deliver services that meet those needs. Therefore, customer relationship management (CRM) includes a set of marketing approaches for building and maintaining long-term businesses with groups of customers in the initial phase of development, and in later stages with individual customers.
Keywords: web, on-line, e-mail, information, relationship management, CRM
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Jelena Avakumović, Čedomir Avakumović, Julija Avakumović
Abstract This paper briefly points out the analysis and classification of risk that may appear in business operations in production systems (BPS). In order to successfully manage the risks, there is a need to know or predict them and be aware of their potential impact on profit. In BPS business most business moves are risky and unpredictable. That is why it is very important to predict all possible variables and have a solution in case they appear in business.
Keywords: business, risk, management, change, entrepreneur, manager of risk
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Snežana Trmčić, Ozrislava Milinković, Marko Trmčić
Abstract Global competition connected with customers' demand for quality increase of products and services is intensifying the need for flexibility and creativity of the organization. Poor management and lack of leadership are very often blamed for problems faced by the organizations all over the world. Many organizations are restructuring and introducing new business principles in order to stay competitive on the world market. Most changes have been introduced in the manner in which employees perform work. Employees are becoming more educated which leads to the result that younger members of the staff in organizations are expecting higher level of autonomy and participation in decision making. Employees are trained in various fields of business and they are expected to independently make decisions. They expect fast career advancement, challenging possibilities which will give them an opportunity to gain valuable experience through training and balance between private and professional life. With the increased use of teams in the organization, many of the traditional roles of leaders are changing. The teams are designed to complement employees' individual traits. Self-managed teams are deserved for continues assessment and improvement of the products as well as for the design of their work and all other work processes that affect them. Leaders are very often elected by the members of the team and each member is responsible for their own actions and decisions. These changes in management and operations in many organizations are shifting focus from leaders to employees. Purpose of this article is the analysis of leadership models and their role in the organizations.
Keywords: leadership, super-leadership, self-leadership, transactional-leadership, transformational-leadership
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Marija Živanović
Abstract Any company that operates in the market today is faced with the problem of globalization. Profitable company performance is conditioned by the existence of a good marketing concept, i.e. optimal combination of instrument marketing. The future profitable operations determine the efficiency of the inclusion of human resources. They are the basic premise for the successful implementation of marketing activities in the company. All elements of the marketing mix are equally important, each of them has its own role and area of impact on the target market segment, but without a well-organized and efficient system of communication with the company's market and more broadly - with the environment, it will not be able to successfully achieve their communication or economic objective. The marketing strategy of the company will be based on the fact that the position in relation to the direct competition in the market has chosen product in the eyes of the consumer target groups (ideal client). Human resource management as a process of keeping the personnel policy should ensure greater employee productivity. For the prediction of conditions in which the company will operate in the future, it is necessary to appropriate the adequate role of human resources. The paper presents current approaches to the international human resource management.
Keywords: business, risk, human resources, international marketing, management
